You’ve made the decision with your family to move your elderly parent or grandparent into your home. But, without a little preparation, you may find that the move is less than convenient. Seniors have unique needs – and lots of stuff – so it pays to get ready well ahead of their relocation. Unfortunately, many of their needs require an investment. When money is in short supply, the following tips can help you make the most of a budget that now has to support a multi-generational family.
A Proud New Space Using a Macy’s Discount
Chances are, your elderly loved one will want to keep many of their most intimate personal belongings close at hand. But, you will still need to make a few purchases. This might include new bedding, light-blocking curtains for the bedroom, or non-breakable dishes if they have trouble holding onto things. Don’t rush out on your senior shopping spree before looking online for the best deals. You can shop at Macy’s for many other things you need, and you can find coupons and promo codes for the department store to save.
Prioritize Safety
Your home needs to be safe for your senior roommate. The good news here is that you will not have to take out a second mortgage to add things like grab bars, non-slip bath mats, and easy-to-pull handles in the kitchen and bath. Daylight-temperature light bulbs and switches that do not require fine motor control are all affordable things Zillow suggests. Perhaps most importantly, make sure any area of your home where they will be is clean and free of clutter – a task that will cost you nothing but will make a world of difference to their safety.
What About Their Stuff?
Seniors tend to grow emotionally attached to their personal items. If they are living with dementia or Alzheimer’s, their sentimental bonds may be even stronger. Avoid the temptation to take things from them without their consent as this can have a profound effect on their emotional health. Instead, contact your local steel building provider for an estimate on adding a small external structure to use as storage. A steel garage is relatively quick to erect and, despite the initial expense, will probably save you money in the long run when compared to renting a private storage unit.
Seniors Want Privacy
Your aging relative may have preferred to stay in their own home. Unfortunately, it is not possible, so you will have to find a way to ensure their privacy while they are under your roof. According to Aging Care, seniors often get bored or grumpy, which can lead them to complaining about things they may otherwise love. Some seniors, for example, may become annoyed when grandchildren barge into their space unexpectedly. A quick fix for this is to install a cheap wireless doorbell at their bedroom or the entrance to their living area. You can usually find these for less than $20 at your local hardware store or online.
When it’s time to transition a senior relative into a more permanent position in life, safety is your top priority. You will also need to think about their privacy and comfort. Unless they come with full pockets, you will have to foot the bill for many of these changes yourself. Now that your budget will be stretched thin, make sure to get the best deals. This may mean spending more money now to create at-home storage, but you can also save significantly by shopping smart and searching for coupons from your favorite shops before every purchase.
Author: Harry Cline
Chief Educator
[email protected]